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Our Story  |   Our Journey
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We are not human beings having spiritual experiences but, rather, spiritual beings having human experiences.

If we hold this belief to be true, then the real essence of who we are is eternal, and life beyond the grave is ever-present and self-evident.

This site centers on the interconnectedness of the spiritual world and our own earthly existences. Our mission at Angels Hovering is to create an open platform where people who have lost loved ones can give witness to miraculous moments when spiritual connections occurred after death. It also serves to document the beauty of those loved ones' lives while on earth, and the glory of their transitions into heaven.


Angels Hovering is inspired by the memory of Alec Clayton Hardy—a beloved son, brother, and friend. His death underscores life’s uncertainty and reaffirms the ancient teaching that we are all, in fact, spiritual beings having temporary human experiences.

Our lives are but parentheses in eternity. From the moment of our inception to our final resting, it is our unchanging spirit that occupies the various and shifting bodies that we inherit as we age. In death, only the body remains lifeless, while the spirit returns to where it came from. This spirit, though not visible through traditional sensory means, continuously hovers over us. It frequently connects with and influences our daily lives.

These principles have moved us to establish Angels Hovering. We have the mission, we share one vision, and we warmly invite your participation.


  • The Spirit is available to us all. Learning to connect with it requires no more than an openness to everything and an attachment to nothing.

  • Being willing to accept that anything and everything is possible allows us to see the signs and interpret moments that reveal themselves in times of great need or despair.

  • “You will see it when you believe it." This is the litmus test for all faith-based beliefs and the shortest path to spiritual awareness.

Alec Clayton Hardy

“The beauty in this tragedy is that you have managed to live more life in your (almost) 22 years than most have lived in 80. … The love you inspired will far outlive us all.”

–D. Fines

The cornerstone of this site is Alec Clayton Hardy, a young man whose life ended abruptly just before his 22nd birthday. An accident claimed his life, and the community that knew him was devastated.

Alec was the youngest son of Brian and Kirsten. Born at home in 1994, Alec found great joy in the simple, ordinary aspects of life. He delighted in anything that made others happy. Family was the center of his world, and he was adored by all who knew him. His early struggles with schoolwork helped him begin to forge his own persona.

Alec recognized a light in others, and treated them as if that’s all he saw. He went out of his way to befriend and connect with everyone, offering a warm welcome and an open ear. He was a charter member of the anti-bullying program at his high school and mentored children in younger grades on divisive behaviors that might cause separation and tension among them. To Alec, no one was a stranger. His enthusiasm was unfiltered and contagious. He preferred to lead with a hug rather than a handshake.

“Seeing how many people you touched in your short time in SB makes me hope to continue living my life in a way that you would approve of, making people laugh and always smiling.”


Throughout his life, Alec aspired to send only love to others, because that’s what was inside him. He believed that you can’t give away what you don’t have, an idea also at the center of some of the world’s greatest spiritual teachings. Alec possessed an enlightened soul. He somehow understood from an early age that there really is no way to happiness—happiness is the way.

Alec passed away in Santa Barbara, California, on July 20, 2016, but his impact is still being felt. Because he was an organ donor, Alec was instrumental in saving more than half a dozen lives after his death (read more about it on the blog). Family members, friends, even acquaintances have been so inspired to "Live Like Hardy" that they have placed commemorative stones with that phrase in more than 200 locations worldwide. His positive presence now resides on all seven continents!

  “Alec is and will always be the light that shines bright in all of us. And I know he will be living through us forever.”


 “You were the happiest person I’d had the privilege to meet. … I’m not sure I’ve ever met anyone with your spirit.”


 “I remember him multiple times introducing people and bringing people together. He made people feel unity together.”

 –Lucky T.

Join Us On This Journey

Here’s a bit more on where we are today, where we hope to be tomorrow, and the resources required to help us get there:

Feather by Feather

  • Tier 1 Goal
    This will fund initial design of the full Angels Hovering site.

  • Tier 2 Goal
    This will fund full development and initial coding.

  • Tier 3 Goal
    Reaching this goal will allow us to complete development.

Learn more about how you can get involved by emailing moreinfo@AngelsHovering.org or donating through our PlumFund page. Simply click the link below to get started. Thank you!

Donations can also be mailed to:
Angels Hovering, P.O. Box 226, Willow Springs, Illinois 60480

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the inspiration for Angels Hovering?
Angels Hovering is inspired by the memory of Alec Clayton Hardy—a beloved son, brother, and friend. Immediately following his death and for several months thereafter, a series of extraordinary phenomena occurred that linked Alec to his family and friends. These phenomena were so remarkable they could only be characterized as spiritual interventions. And as these interventions grew in frequency, it occurred to our founders that a need exists to establish a place where people can gather and give witness to the spiritual connections that follow their own loved ones’ passings. That’s our journey!

What is the mission of Angels Hovering?
Our mission at Angels Hovering is to create an open platform where people who have lost loved ones can give witness to miraculous moments when spiritual connections occurred after death. It also serves to document the beauty of those loved ones’ lives while on earth, and the glory of their transitions into heaven.

Why Angels Hovering?
This site centers on the interconnectedness of the spiritual world and our own earthly existences. It provides the medium to express and maintain one's profound love and respect for those dearly departed.

How do I know if I’ve experienced a spiritual intervention?
First, have a mind that is open to everything and attached to nothing. No one truly knows enough to be a pessimist—about anything.

Second, it’s the Spirit that gives us life, and we are never separated from it. Remember, we are all spiritual beings having temporary human experiences. This truth makes it possible to experience a spiritual intervention at any time.

Third, physical memorabilia (photos, a favorite object) and settings that hold special meanings for the departed are full of tremendous energy that one can feel and interpret. These places and things will often serve as channels for spiritual intervention. If you believe it, you will see it!

Is Angels Hovering unique to a specific religious persuasion or demographic?
Angels Hovering has universal application for all people of faith everywhere in the world. Spiritual interventions have been an integral component of the great spiritual teachings on this planet since the time before history was recorded.

Why should I participate in Angels Hovering?
Memories, in most cases, are shared for the benefit of others, including those with no apparent connection to our departed loved ones. Angels Hovering is a means to enable the capturing, memorializing, and sharing of these memories. The ramifications of your posts will be indescribable and unprecedented.

How does Angels Hovering measure success?
Engagement, or the actions taken by users on posts, is one way of measuring success. Similar to social media sites, the more a post is liked, shared, or commented on, the greater the potential for the post to go viral. The more attention a post can garner, the more positive, supportive connections can be fostered. This increases the opportunity to positively influence an individual's well-being.

How is Angels Hovering funded?
Angels Hovering is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization funded solely through voluntary donations, though donations are not a requirement of participation. If you have a contribution you would like to make, you can donate on our PlumFund page, or by mailing a donation to the address above. We will list all donors and loved ones on our donors page. There are revenue-sharing programs also available for any organization that would like to assist in donor aggregation.

What about privacy and security?
Angels Hovering will have private and public information, depending on users’ preferences. Your privacy settings can hide your identity from people you don't know. Any suspicious activity will trigger alerts and monitors.

What is the cost?
Participation is free!